Wapsi Ostrich Plumes (Large Herl)

Wapsi Ostrich Plumes (Large Herl)

Whiting Bronze Grade Rooster Saddle (Dry Fly)

Whiting Bronze Grade Rooster Saddle (Dry Fly)

Whiting Bronze Grade Rooster Neck (Dry Fly)

Whiting's Bronze Grade Dry Fly Rooster Neck
by Whiting Farms

Descended from Henry Hoffman's original line of famed feather birds, Whiting Farms Bronze Grade Dry Fly Rooster Capes are the most densely feathered hackle pelts available. Thickly barbed, with incredibly thin and supple yet exceptionally strong stems, they're the easiest wrapping dry fly feathers in the world. An exceptional value considering typical tiers average nearly 2 flies per feather, Whiting's premium Bronze Grade Rooster Necks provide a seemingly endless array of perfectly proportioned dry fly hackles ranging in size from large #08's through tiny #20's, with many smaller sized hackles too. Available by Special Order in a variety of wonderful hatch-matching colors, if only the best will do, look no further than Whiting Farms Bronze Grade Dry Fly Rooster Capes.

***Limited availability! Price and supply are subject to change! Other colors may be available via Special Order. Please feel free to call or email for stock status/special order details before ordering!
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