SemperFli Straggle String Micro Chenille

SemperFli Straggle String Micro Chenille

Lateral Line E-Z Body (Pearl/Black)

Lateral Line E-Z Body (Pearl/Black)

Lateral Line E-Z Body (Natural/Black)

Lateral Line EZ Body Tubing (Natural/Black)
by Murphy's Fly Box

The same great fly tying ease and versatility as regular Natural Clear E-Z Body, only with the enhanced appeal of two pronounced Black stripes running the length of the tubing, Captain Bill Murphy's Lateral Line E-Z Body has proven a favorite for creating ultra-impressionistic minnow imitations like smelt, silversides, sandeels, bay anchovies and more. Available in variety of popular sizes certain to please, give Murphy's Lateral Line EZ-Body Tubing a try. (Sold 3 feet per package)

Small measures approximately 3/16 inches in diameter (relaxed)
Medium measures approximately 1/4 inches in diameter (relaxed)
Large measures approximately 3/8 inches in diameter (relaxed)

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