Griffin Rotating Hackle Pliers

Griffin Rotating Hackle Pliers

Terra Wing Burners - Mayfly (Dun)

Terra Wing Burners - Mayfly (Dun)

Griffin Hook / Hackle Gauge

Griffin Hook-n-Hackle Gauge
by Griffin Enterprises, Inc

This handy Hook and Hackle Gauge from Griffin is great for helping determine what hackle best fits a specific sized hook. Simply bend the prospective hackle around the pin at the bottom of the gauge, and as the hackle fibers flare, the tips will indicate on the curved graph the correct size hook it will dress! Designed to mount directly to most vises sporting a 3/8 inch shaft, this gauge will rotate freely on the vise stem so that it may be swung out of the way when not in use. Perfect for correctly identifying hooks and hackles ranging from size large size 4 through wee 22's, give the Griffin Hook and Hackle Gauge a try.
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